
Leopold Badt

born on 05/24/1864 in Rogoźno/Posen (Poznań)
died on 02/10/1938 in Wiesbaden

DGIM Member 1898 – 1938

Leopold Badt grew up in Rogoźno/Posen. After studying medicine, he was licensed in 1888.1 He married Rosa Wolf, born in 1876, on October 19, 1892. Badt founded an institute for the treatment of motility disorders in Wiesbaden together with the neurologist Richard Friedländer in 1903.2 The "Sanitätsrat" (medical council) died at the age of 73 under unclear circumstances in 1938.3

Badt's widow was deported to Riga in 1942, where shed died in the ghetto on January 25, 1942.4 The couple had two children. Their daughter Anna Elisabeth Badt (born 1893) and their son, the dermatologist and neurologist Friedrich Badt (1895-1989), who emigrated to the United States.5


See Reichsmedizinalkalender 1937, p. 367.See Alma Kreuter, Deutschsprachige Neurologen und Psychiater. Ein biographisch-bibliographisches Lexikon von den Vorläufern bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Munich 1996, p. 402.Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden. Register of Vital Statistics and Register of Deaths, Bestand: 925, Laufende Nummer: 2906, Certificate of death 273/1938.See Gedenkbuch Bundesarchiv ( Rebecca Schwoch, Jüdische Ärzte als Krankenbehandler in Berlin zwischen 1938 und 1945, Frankfurt am Main 2018, p. 210 f. - On Badt's children, see Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, fonds 925, serial number 2524, marriage certificate no. 837/1919 (Anna Elisabeth) and ibid, fonds 925, serial number 2284, birth certificate no. 1559/1895 (Friedrich).

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