
Max Georg Berliner

born on 07/26/1888 in Lissa/Posen (Poznań)

DGIM Member 1923 – 1935

Max Berliner, son of Philipp Berliner, completed his medical studies in Kiel in 1912 with a dissertation in the psychiatric clinic: "Beitrag zur Lehre von den psychischen Veränderungen bei Paralysis agitans." The following year he was licensed1 and came to the Berlin Charité as an assistant, where he published together with the later clinic director Theodor Brugsch.2 It is documented that he worked at the Pathological Institute in 1917.3 He married his wife Lilly Orenstein (1891-1972), daughter of the railroad industrialist Benno Orenstein, in the same year, on 27, August.4 They lived at Bleibtreustraße 30 in Berlin Charlottenburg.5

Emigration to the USA via England

Berliner was able to habilitate in 1925 and was appointed non-tenured professor of internal medicine in 1930.6 He specialized at the Institute for Cancer Research.7 His teaching license was revoked in 1935, based on the "Reichsbürgergesetz" (Reich Citizens Law)".8 He had left Germany and fled to England by June 1936.9 He was registered as an "Unsettled General Practitioner" at 56 Worple Road SW19 in London in 1939.10 Soon after, Max Berliner must have moved to the USA. He was registered in New York in 1942. He claimed to be working in his own practice.11 It is assumed that he died in Brooklyn in the first half of the 1960s.12


See Reichsmedizinalkalender 1933, p. 65.Theodor Brugsch with the collaboration of Max Berliner et al, Klinische Laboratoriumstechnik, Berlin 1923.See Heiratsregister der Berliner Standesämter 1874-1920.See Heiratsregister der Berliner Standesämter 1874-1920;See Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin 38 (1926), p. XVI; Hans-Henning Zabel, Orenstein, Benno, in Neue Deutsche Biographie 19 (1999), pp. 587 f. (, accessed. Dec. 17, 2019).See Johannes Asen, Gesamtverzeichnis des Lehrkörpers der Universität Berlin I, 1810-1945, Leipzig 1955, p. 13.See Hans-Henning Zabel, Orenstein, Benno, in Neue Deutsche Biographie 19 (1999), p. 587 f. (, accessed. Dec. 17, 2019).See Udo Schagen, Wer wurde vertrieben? Wie wenig wissen wir? Die Vertreibungen aus der Berliner Medizinischen Fakultät 1933. An Overview, in Udo Schagen/Sabine Schleiermacher (eds.), Die Charité im Dritten Reich. Zur Dienstbarkeit der medizinischen Wissenschaft im Nationalsozialismus, Paderborn, 2008 pp. 51-65, p. 58. See also list of expellees from the Medical Faculty of the Charité, accessed. Nov. 28, 2019.See Reich Medical Calendar 1935, Supplement 2, June 1936.See Yvonne Kapp, Refugee Doctors and Dentists registered with the Medical Department, 1939, 2B.30. .The National Archives at St. Louis, Missouri, Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926-1975; Record Group Number: 147, Draft Registration Cards, p. 3675.Hans-Henning Zabel, Orenstein, Benno, in Neue Deutsche Biographie 19 (1999), pp. 587 f. (, accessed. Dec. 17, 2019),

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