
Lasar Dünner

born on 06/14/1885 in Cologne
died on 06/06/1959 in On vaccation in the Neckartal

DGIM Member 1921 – 1933

Lasar Dünner grew up in a Jewish merchant family in Cologne.1 He first studied dentistry in Würzburg. After passing the dental exam in 1907, he studied human medicine in Munich and Berlin and was licensed in 1911. In the same year he was appointed assistant at the I. Medical Department of the Moabit Hospital in Berlin under Georg Klemperer. He was temporarily enlisted in the Reichswehr during World War I.2

Lung Research in Berlin

He was appointed senior physician in the II Internal Department of Moabit Hospital under Wilhelm Martin Zinn and Klemperer in 1921. He had previously succeeded in radiographic imaging of the pulmonary vessels using sodium iodid as a contrast agent.3 Klemperer held Dünner in high esteem and frequently published together with him.4After having briefly worked as a physician in private practice,5Dünner was appointed chief physician of the newly founded Städtisches Hospital Buch-West in Berlin in 1929.6 In addition to his clinical work, he was involved as a tuberculosis welfare physician.7

Escape to England

The National Socialists prevented him from entering his clinic from the summer of 1933. He was dismissed along with his Jewish colleagues.8 Subsequently, he served as chief physician of the internal medicine department at the Hospital of the Jewish Community in Berlin. After the licenses to practice medicine had been revoked for all Jewish physicians in September 1938, Dünner fled to England in early 1939. After obtaining a work permit there in 1941, he headed an Industrial Chest Diseases Clinic in Hull.9

After 1945, he returned to Germany for conferences and meetings. For example, he participated in the "3. Internationale Staublungen-Tagung" (3rd International Conference on Pneumoconiosis), organized by Karl Wilhelm Jötten in Münster in October 1957.10

Lasar Dünner died before his 74th birthday while on vacation in the Neckar Valley.11

Dünner was a specialist in pulmonology and, together with Ignaz Zadek, published the standard work "Die Differentialdiagnose der Lungenkrankheiten."12 He had already begun the work in 1935 at the hospital of the Jewish community in Berlin, but had not been able to finish it until after the war.13


See Ulrike Wolf, Leben und Wirken des Berliner Internisten Georg Klemperer (1865-1946), Aachen 2003, p. 28.See Arno Kalinich/Horst-Peter Wolff, Zur Geschichte des Krankenhauses Berlin-Buch, Frankfurt a. M. 2010, pp. 89f.; Wolf, Leben, p. 28.See Kalinich/Wolff, Geschichte, p. 90.For an overview of joint publications, see Wolf, Leben, pp. 130f.See Wolf, Leben, p. 29.See Reichsmedizinalkalender 1931, p. 70.See Kalinich/Wolff, Geschichte, p. 90.See Reichsmedizinalkalender 1937, p. 184.See Kalinich/Wolff, Geschichte, p. 112.See Lasar Dünner, Pneumokoniosen durch Staub von Getreide und Saaten, in: Karl Wilhelm Jötten/Werner Klosterkötter (eds.), Die Staublungenerkrankungen. Bericht über die 3. Internationale Staublungen-Tagung des Staatsinstitutes für Staublungenforschung und Gewerbehygiene beim Hygiene-Institut der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster/Westf. vom 29. bis 31. Oktober 1957, Berlin/Heidelberg 1958, pp. 541-545.See Kalinich/Wolff, Geschichte, p. 112.Lasar Dünnee/Ignaz Zadek, Die Differentialdiagnose der Lungenkrankheiten, Leipzig 1948.See Michael Hubenstorf/Peter Th. Walther, Politische Bedingungen und allgemeine Veränderungen des Berliner Wissenschaftsbetriebes 1925-1950, in: Wolfram Fischer et al. (eds.), Exodus von Wissenschaften aus Berlin. Fragestellungen - Ergebnisse - Desiderate. Entwicklungen vor und nach 1933, Berlin/New York 1994, pp. 5-100, p. 93, note 150.

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