
Eduard Einstoss

born on 11/20/1891 in Augsburg
died on 10/09/1960 in At sea on the Atlantic Ocean

DGIM Member 1931 – 1938

Eduard (Eward) Eisig Einstoss (Einstoß) grew up in Augsburg.1 He studied medicine at the University of Munich from the winter semester of 1911/12 to the summer semester of 1916, although he had been temporarily deployed to a field hospital during the First World War.2 He was a member of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment.3 He transferred to the University of Frankfurt am Main in 1916, where he submitted his dissertation in 19174 and received his license to practice medicine the same year.5

Employee of Géronne

Einstoss married Karola Leipold on September 20, 1921. They moved to Taunusstrasse 13 in Wiesbaden.6 He became an employee of Anton Géronne, the longtime DGIM managing director, who headed the internal medicine department of the Wiesbaden municipal hospital.7 Einstoss settled in Wiesbaden as a physician for internal diseases and radiology, probably in 1926.8 He moved to Sonnenberger Strasse 4. The last address he was listed with at the DGIM was Wilhelmstrasse 60.

Eduard Einstoss remarried in 1928. Amely Luise Mina Einstoss, née Oltmanns, born in Frankurt am Main on March 13, 1909, became the mother of their daughter Jutta, born on August 18, 1931.9

Escape to the United States via the Netherlands

After his license to practice medicine was revoked by the Nazis, he was forced to give up his practice in 1937 and moved to Nussbaumstrasse 8 in Munich.10 From here he organized his escape, which initially took him to the Netherlands. He lived in Bussum near Amsterdam for a time.11 Aware of the danger of a German invasion of the Netherlands, he boarded the Dutch passenger ship SS Voendam Europa together with his wife and daughter Jutta in the spring of 1940 and reached New York on March 27, 1940. He settled in Chicago, but was initially unable to obtain a license to practice medicine due to American regulations. He listed "laboratory assistant" as his occupation in his naturalization application from May 1940.12

Specialist for Orthopedic Footwear at Scholl

Einstoss received American citizenship on June 27, 1945, and changed his first name to Edward.13 He was probably no longer practicing medicine in the United States, but worked for the Scholl Manufacturing Company, which specialized in orthopedic footwear.14 He repeatedly visited Germany after 1945, but remained a resident of Chicago.15 Einstoss died aboard an Atlantic liner, presumably en route to Germany, just before his 70th birthday. ​​​​16 The DGIM initiated the laying of "Stolpersteine" (stumbling stones) for the Einstoss family. They were set into the sidewalk in front of the house Wilhelmstrasse 60 in Wiesbaden on October 27, 2021.


See Stephan Leibfried/Florian Tennstedt (eds.), Berufsverbote und Sozialpolitik 1933. Die Auswirkungen der nationalsozialistischen Machtergreifung auf die Krankenkassenverwaltung und die Kassenärzte, Bremen 1982, p. 258; Reichsmedizinalkalender 1931, p. 230, app. 1917.See Personalstand der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Winter-Semester 1911/12, Munich, 1911, p. 68; Personalstand der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Sommer-Halbjahr 1916, Munich, 1916, p. 91.Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv München, Abteilung IV Kriegsarchiv, Kriegsstammrollen, 1914-1918, Vol. 4473, 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment (Munich), I. Ersatz-Bataillon.Eduard Einstoss (from the municipal hospital in Augsburg), Ueber Scharlachrezidive, offprint from: Jahrbuch für Kinderheilkunde und physische Erziehung, 87 (1917).See Reichsmedizinalkalender 1931, p. 230.Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Wiesbaden, Eheregister und Namensverzeichnisse, Bestand 925, lfd. Nr. 2539, Heiratsurkunde 940/1921.See Eduard Einstoss/Theodor Hirsch, Die Gelenkkrankheiten und ihre Blutkörperchensenkungsreaktion unter der Einwirkung der Wiesbadener Thermalquellen, in Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 52 (1926), pp. 524-526.See Reich Medical Calendar 1937, p. 367.National Archives and Records Administration,  Washington, DC. Name Index of Jews Whose German Nationality Was Annulled by the Nazi Regime (Berlin Documents Center).
Record group 242. National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized. 1675 - 1958. Record Group-ARC-ID: 569; Publication number. T355; role: 2, Brüll, Erna – Fränkel, Werner. See also at: - Deutschland, Index von Juden, deren deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft vom Nazi-Regime annulliert wurde, 1935-1944 and - Deutschland, Index von Juden, deren deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft vom Nazi-Regime annulliert wurde, 1935-1944.
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Washington. Name Index of Jews Whose German Nationality Was Annulled by the Nazi Regime (Berlin Documents Center), Record Group 242, National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized, 1675 - 1958, Record Group ARC ID: 569, Publication Number: T355, Roll: 2.National Archives at Chicago, ARC Title: Illinois, Petitions for Naturalization, 1906-1991, NAI Number: 593882, Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009, Record Group Number: RG 21, No.314348. .National Archives at Chicago; Chicago, Illinois; ARC Title: Illinois, Petitions for Naturalization, 1906-1991; NAI Number: 593882; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21, no. 159827.Illinois, Northern District Naturalization Index, 1840-1950 No. 314348.See Edward Einstoss, Shoe supporting Bandage, in United States Patent Office, Patent no. 2,358,966, Sept. 26, 1944.National Archives at Washington, D.C. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, 1820-1897. Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls, NAI: 6256867, Records of the U. S. Customs Service, Record Group 36. year 1952, Arrival: New York, Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957, Microfilm Roll: Roll 8228, Line: 13, p. 159.New York City Department of Health. Deaths reported in the City of New York, 1961, p. 106.

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